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  • UK Door To Door VAT PAID Courier Services.

    UCL offers Courier Services From Lahore Office to UK Door Step on VAT PAID Basis on Very Attractive Rates Kindly Contact  For economical Courier Rates.

  • New Direct Services

    UCL is proudly  to announce Its direct Perishiable forwarding Services for Tornonto Canada.We also Serve The same for Oslo Norway ,Amesterdam ,Paris, London,Manchester secotrs.

  • Worldwide Door Deliveries

    We Proudly Announce our

    Services for Word Wide

    Baggage And small Parcels

    Home Deliveries.Most of Time

    it is Most economical then

    conventional Air cargo

    forwarding.Please contact us

    for the latest rates.

Live Animals AirTransportation

Why Live Animals are Transported By Air.

Live animals are transported worldwide by air due to many reasons. These animals may be our Personal home pets, or our assistance dogs. They may be transported for zoo, or for breeding purpose. They may be Horses used as sports activities. Or food animals to whom we use for slaughter, We try to avoid Very Long periods of traveling times as they are very sensitive to modern world humans environment same as our perishable cargo movements. Therefore for worldwide long journeys the only Best and speedy option is to use By air transportation.

Live Animals Air Transport Regulations.

Air transportation and handling of Live Animals throughout the Globe is performed under some specific Regulation, defined by IATA .Shippers as well as Cargo Agents should have training and knowledge about Regulations.To view the requirements for Live Animals Air transport visit our  Regulations Page .

  1. Specific cage requirementsLivecat-air-transport
  2. Departing and Arrival Airport Facilities.
  3. Origin and destination Documentary Requirements.
  4. Airline Prearrangement procedures before Departures.

UCL complete their job in compliance with the IATA Live Animal Regulations.

We Know How to safely Handle your Pet.

As an IATA Approved Member Cargo Agents We have Fully Professional Trained and qualified staff for Live animal transportation by air freight. UCL 30 Years long experienced staff know how to move your pets swiftly.We Also help to prepare the shipper origin based necessary documentary requirements.


